PDX Lifesavers
The PDX Public Safety & Security team is proud to offer PDX Lifesavers, a free program for all individuals who work at PDX. PDX Lifesavers includes courses and trainings focused on health and first aid, safety and emergency preparedness..
The PDX Public Safety & Security team is proud to offer PDX Lifesavers, a free program for all individuals who work at PDX. PDX Lifesavers includes courses and trainings focused on health and first aid, safety and emergency preparedness.
This service is only available to Port of Portland employees and those who work or volunteer at the PDX Airport.
Health and First Aid

Learn how to provide CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner.
First Aid
We teach you critical skills needed to respond to and manage an emergency until emergency medical services arrives, from basic first aid to choking to cardiac arrest.


Fire Extinguisher Training
Our Fire Department provides a “live fire” training, which allows you to get experience with an extinguisher before you might be called upon to use one in real life.
Active Shooter
While nobody wants to think about going through such an experience, this training will help you be better prepared and empowered both physically and mentally if you're ever faced with an active shooter event.

Learn more about our PDX security and badging protocols.Emergency Preparedness

We’ll help you protect yourself and others before, during, and after an earthquake.
Did You Know?
- CPR performed in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest can double or triple a person’s survival.
- Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in adults.
- Many bystanders won’t give CPR because they’re scared of getting involved or that they will perform CPR incorrectly. Even someone with no training is better than no CPR at all.
- According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 53% of U.S. homes have a prepared emergency evacuation kit and 59% have an emergency water supply. Are you ready?