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Port of Portland Seeks Interested Parties to Work on Mass Timber Housing Innovation

Following the $41.4 million EDA grant awarded to the Oregon Mass Timber Coalition in September, OMTC member Port of Portland has issued a Request for Information (RFI) as an early step toward developing a mass timber housing factory at its Terminal 2. The Port seeks to establish one or more partnerships to develop the factory, which is central to the OMTC’s vision for a nationally recognized, regional hub of innovation and industry transformation for sustainable mass timber design, housing, development and construction.

“This is a great opportunity to be at the forefront of a dynamic industry that is catalyzing housing innovation,” said Curtis Robinhold, executive director of the Port of Portland. “Mass timber housing will be transformative for Oregon; we’re looking for more innovators who share this passion. This request for information is an important first step in assembling a team that will roll up their sleeves and make it happen.”

The purpose of the Mass Timber and Housing Innovation RFI is to solicit interest and information from potential innovation partners to operate (with the option to build) an off-site housing factory at the T2 Mass Timber Innovation Hub. Information garnered from RFI responses will inform an upcoming formal Request for Proposal (RFP).

The Port invites all firms with interest and experience in building and operating such a factory, as well as those with experience in related development, design, engineering, construction, supply chain, housing and financing to respond to this RFI. The Port is particularly interested in hearing from organizations or teams that share its vision for industry transformation and community impact.

Responses to the RFI are due by January 16, 2023. Following a review of all responses, qualified parties will be invited to participate in the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, which will culminate in contract awards to begin this important work.

For more information about the Port’s Mass Timber and Housing Innovation RFI, visit

For more information about the Oregon Mass Timber Coalition projects funded by the EDA’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge Grant, visit

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